Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering

Welcome to the Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering (ECE)

Welcome to the Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering (ECE), where future globally accepted Electronics and Communication Engineers and responsible citizens are created. Electronics & Communication Engineering (ECE) is a dynamic and exciting arena of pedagogy that provides excellent career opportunities in various sectors of society. This department is committed to the study and research of theoretical as well as applied problems. The teachers and students of the department work in solving problems in the field of Electrical Engineering, Analog and Digital Electronics, Signals and Image Processing, Antenna Analysis and Design, Optical Fiber Communication, Mobile Cellular Communication VLSI, Embedded System, Radar & Satellite Communication and so on. We endeavor our level best to provide a supportive and friendly atmosphere for our students.

Fahmida Sarmin Jui

Assistant Professor & Head


Vision and Mission of the Department

Vision: The vision of the department of ECE is to produce globally competitive professional engineers featuring first-class teaching and research.

Mission: To nurture the young talents with dignity and wisdom and turning them into knowledgeable and innovative engineers of the region, who will contribute to the prosperity of the people and social progress of Bangladesh.

Lab Information

  • Communication Lab
  • Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE)List of Communication Lab Equipment’s

    SL No. Item Name  Quantity
    1 Function Generator and Power Supply 2
    2 ASK Modulator & Demodulator 1
    3 PWM Modulator & Demodulator 1
    4 TDM Multiplexer 1
    5 FDM Multiplexer 1
    6 Line Code Encoder & Decoder 1
    7 Second Order Active Filters 1
    8 PCM Modulator & Demodulator 1
    9 FSK Modulator & Demodulator 1
    10 AM Modulator & Demodulator 1
    11 FM Modulator & Demodulator 1
    12 Analog to Digital Converter 1
    13 Frequency Converter 1
    14 ADM Modulator & Demodulator 1
    15 DSB-SC,SSB-SC Modulator & Demodulator 1
    16 DM Modulator & Demodulator 1
    17 PSK Modulator & Demodulator 1
    18 Power Adapter Universal Socket 2
    19 EPROM 1
    20 Clamp Meter 3
    21 Optical Fiber Kit 1
    22 Microwave Communication Kit 1
  • Computer Lab
  • Software Available at Computer Lab

    1 Microsoft Office
    2. Code Block
    3. Power World
    4. MATLAB
    5. Net beans PHP IDE With JDK
    6. Eclipse
    7. P-Spice 8.0
    8. AutoCAD 2007
    9. Microwind
    10. Cadance
    11. AdbeRdr910_en_US
    12. Xampp-win32
    13. Npp.6.7.3.Installer
    14. Cisco- Packet Tracer
  • Electrical & Electronics Labs
  • Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE)List of Electrical & Electronics Lab Equipments

    SL No. Item Name Details  Quantity
    01 Digital storage Oscilloscope-100Mhz 5
    02 Duel Chanel DC power Supply 5
    03 Oscilloscope probe 8
    04 Digital Multi-meter 5
    1 Trainer Board Analog 12
    2 Trainer Board Digital 5
    3 Function Generator 6
    4 Function Generator Digital 02
    5 Audio Generator 2
    6 DC Supply Analog 4
    7 DC Supply Digital 2
    8 DE Solder 13
    9 Soldering Iron 7
    10 PIC Programmer 1
    11 IC Tester 1
    12 Power Electronics Kit 1
    13 Analog Multi meter 5
    14 Digital Multi Meter 16
    15 DC Power Supply (New) 5
    16 Oscilloscope Analog 6
    17 Oscilloscope Digital 4
    18 Oscilloscope Probe 20
    19 Microprocessor Kit 3
    20 Bread Board 8
    21 Connecting Wire 500
    22 Transformer 8
    23 Hammer 1
    24 Screw Driver Star 2
    25 Screw Driver Flat 1
    26 Electrical Tester 1
  • Machine & Control Lab

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE)

List of  Machine & Control Lab Equipments

SL No. Item Name  Quantity
1 Electrodynamometer 1
2 Synchronous Motor 1
3 Split Phase Motor 1
4 DC Motor 1
5 Resistive Load Box 1
6 Inductive Load Box 1
7 Capacitive Load Box 1
8 Single Phase Transformer 1
9 Three Phase Transformer 1
10 Power Supply 1
11 Synchronizing Module 1
12 Multimeter DW-6060 5
13 Watt meter(Analog) 4
14 Multimeter DT 9205 2
15 Tachometer UT371 6
16 Tachometer DT-2234A+
17 PC-Based Digital & Analog Motor Control Teaching set 1
18 Synchronizing Module 1
19 Capacitor Bank 1
20 Multifunction Meter 5
21 Screw Driver Set 2
22 Control Kit 1
  • Physics Lab

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE)

List of Physics Lab Equipments

SL No. Item Name Quantity
01 Sphero meter 1pcs
02 Sono meter 1set
03 Sprit lamp 2pcs
04 Sprit 500ml
05 Biker 3pcs
06 Tuning fork 1set
07 Prism 2pcs
08 Glass slave 2pcs
09 Magnetometer 1pcs
10 Balance for  measuring  weight 1set
11 Modulus of rigidity(dynamic method) 1pcs
12 Modulus of rigidity(statical method) 1pcs
13 2.5kg weight(each one is 0.5kg) 1set
14 Sprit level 2pcs
15 Kater’s pendulum 1pcs


Course List

Southern University Bangladesh

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE)

Bachelor of Science in Electronics and Communication Engineering (Regular)

Course Outline

Summary of Courses

Types of Courses No. of Courses Credit Hours
Humanities Courses (English and GED Courses) 8 20
Basic Science Courses (Physics and Chemistry Courses) 4 9.25
Mathematics Courses 4 12
Inter-Disciplinary Engineering Courses 5 10.75
Program Core Courses 43 100
Elective I (Specialized Core Courses) 2 3.75
Elective II (Specialized Core Courses) 2 3.75
Total 68 159.5

Humanities Courses

Course Code Course Title Credit Contact Hours / Week Prerequisite Course
HUM 1101 English Expository Writing 3 3 N/A
HUM 2101 Spoken English 3 3 N/A
HUM 1201 Bangladesh Studies 2 2 N/A
HUM 2101 Introduction to Accounting 3 3 N/A
HUM 2103 Industrial Management and Laws 3 3 N/A
HUM 4101 Career Planning and Development 2 2 N/A
HUM 3201 History of Bangladesh 2 2 N/A
HUM 3101 Bengali Literature 2 2 N/A
Total 20 20


No. of Theory courses: 08 Total contact hours: 20.00
No. of Lab/Sessional courses: N/A             Total credit: 20.00

Basic Science Courses

Course Code Course Title Credit Contact Hours / Week Prerequisite Course
PHY 1101 Engineering Physics 4 4 N/A
PHY 1102 Engineering Physics Lab 1.5 3 N/A
CHEM1101 Chemistry 3 3 N/A
CHEM1102 Chemistry Lab 0.75 1.5 N/A
Total 9.25 11.5


No. of Theory courses: 02 Total contact hours: 11.50
No. of Lab/Sessional courses: 02                      Total credit: 9.25


Mathematics Courses

Course Code Course Title Credit Contact Hours / Week Prerequisite Course
MATH1101 Differential and Integral Calculus 3 3 N/A
MATH2101 Differential Equations, Operational Calculus 3 3 MATH 1201
MATH1201 Coordinate geometry, Vector Analysis & Complex Variables 3 3 MATH 1101
MATH2201 Engineering Statistics & Linear Algebra and Matrices 3 3 N/A
Total 12 12  


No. of Theory courses: 04 Total contact hours: 12.00
No. of Lab/Sessional courses: 00          Total credit: 12.00


Interdisciplinary Engineering Courses

Course Code Course Title Credit Contact Hours / Week Prerequisite Course
CSE 1201 Computer Programming & Numerical Analysis 4 4 N/A
CSE 1202 Computer Programming Lab & Numerical Analysis Lab 1.5 3 N/A
ME 1201 Mechanical Engineering Fundamentals 3 3 N/A
ME 1202 Mechanical Engineering Fundamentals Lab 0.75 1.5 N/A
CE 2100 Engineering drawing 1.5 3 N/A
Total 10.75 14.5  
No. of Theory courses: 02 Total contact hours: 14.50
No. of Lab/Sessional courses: 03             Total credit: 10.75

ECE Core Courses (Compulsory)

S.L. Course Code Course Title Credit Contact Hours/ Week Prerequisite Course
1 ECE 1101 Electrical Circuits I 3 3 N/A
2 ECE 1102 Electrical Circuits I Lab 1.5 3 N/A
3 ECE 1200 Electrical Service Design 1.5 3 N/A
4 ECE 1201 Electrical Circuits II 3 3 ECE 1101
5 ECE 1202 Electrical Circuits II Lab 1.5 3 N/A
6 ECE 2100 Electrical Circuit Simulation Lab 1.5 3 ECE 1201
7 ECE 2101 Electronics I 3 3 ECE 1201
8 ECE 2102 Electronics I Lab 1.5 3 N/A
9 ECE 2103 Information Theory & Error Coding 3 3 ECE 1201
10 ECE 2104 Information Theory & Error Coding Lab 0.75 1.5 N/A
11 ECE 2201 Electronics II 3 3 ECE 2101
12 ECE 2202 Electronics II Lab 1.5 3 N/A
13 ECE 2203 Electromagnetic Fields and Waves 3 3 PHY 1101
14 ECE 2205 Basic Communication 3 3 N/A
15 ECE 2206 Basic Communication Lab 1.5 3 N/A
16 ECE 2207 Signals and Linear Systems 3 3 ECE 1201
17 ECE 3101 Digital Electronics & Logic Design 3 3 ECE 2201
18 ECE 3102 Digital Electronics & Logic Design Lab 1.5 3 N/A
19 ECE 3103 Data Communication 3 3 ECE 2205
20 ECE 3105 Electronic Communication 3 3 ECE 2201
21 ECE 3106 Electronic Communication Lab 1.5 3 N/A
22 ECE 3107 Cellular Mobile Communications 3 3 ECE 2205
23 ECE 3109 Measurement and Instrumentation 3 3 ECE 2201
24 ECE 3201 Digital Communication 3 3  ECE 3105
25 ECE 3202 Digital Communication Lab 1.5 3 N/A
26 ECE 3205 Digital Signal Processing 3 3 ECE 2207
27 ECE 3206 Digital Signal Processing Lab 0.75 1.5 N/A
28 ECE 3207 Microprocessor and Assembly Language 3 3 ECE 3101
29 ECE 3208 Microprocessor and Assembly Language Lab 0.75 1.5 N/A
30 ECE 3209 Microwave and Antenna Engineering 3 3 ECE 2203
31 ECE 3210 Microwave and Antenna Engineering Lab 1.5 3 N/A
32 ECE 4101 Control Systems 3 3 ECE 2207
33 ECE 4102 Control Systems Lab 1.5 3 N/A
34 ECE 4103 Telecommunication & Switching 3 3 ECE 2205
35 ECE 4104 Telecommunication & Switching Lab 1.5 3 N/A
36 ECE 4105 Semiconductor Physics and Devices 3 3 PHY 1101
37 ECE 4107 VLSI Technology 3 3 ECE 3203
38 ECE 4108 VLSI Technology Lab 0.75 1.5 N/A
39 ECE 4109 Optical Fiber Communication 3 3 ECE 3201
40 ECE 4110 Optical Fiber Communication lab 1.5 3 N/A
41 ECE 4200 Project/Thesis 4 8 N/A
42 ECE 4201 Remote Sensing Technology 3 3 N/A
43 ECE 4205 Radar & Satellite Communication 3 3 ECE 2205
  Total 100 128  
No. of Theory courses: 24 Total contact hours: 128.00
No. of Lab/Sessional courses: 19             Total credit: 100.00

List of Elective courses

Elective – I (Any One Theory and Related Lab)

Course Code Course Title Credit Contact Hours / Week Prerequisite Course
ECE 4205 Analog Integrated Circuit 3 3 ECE 2201
ECE 4206 Analog Integrated Circuit Lab 0.75 1.5 N/A
ECE 4207 Bio-medical Instrumentation 3 3 N/A
ECE 4208 Bio-medical Instrumentation Lab 0.75 1.5 N/A
ECE 4209 Robotics and Computer Vision 3 3 ECE 4101
ECE 4210 Robotics and Computer Vision Lab 0.75 1.5 N/A
ECE 4211 Nanotechnology 3 3
ECE 4212 Nanotechnology Lab 0.75 1.5
ECE 4213 Neural Networks and AI Applications 3 3
ECE 4214 Neural Networks and AI Applications Lab 0.75 1.5
ECE 4215 Digital Image Processing 3 3 ECE 3205
ECE 4216 Digital Image Processing Lab 0.75 1.5
ECE 4217 Fuzzy Neural Control Systems 3 3
ECE 4218 Fuzzy Neural Control Systems lab 0.75 1.5
ECE 4219 Computer Network and Information Security 3 3 ECE 4103
ECE 4220 Computer Network and Information Security Lab 0.75 1.5

Elective – II (Any One Theory and Related Lab)

Course Code Course Title Credit Contact Hours / Week Prerequisite Course
ECE 4303 Machine Learning 3 3 N/A
ECE 4304 Machine Learning Lab 0.75 1.5 N/A
ECE 4305 Bio-informatics 3 3 N/A
ECE 4306 Bio-informatics Lab 0.75 1.5 N/A
ECE 4307 Antenna and Wave Propagation 3 3 ECE 2203
ECE 4308 Antenna and Wave Propagation Lab 0.75 1.5 N/A
ECE 4309 Characterization of  Materials & Semiconductor 3 3
ECE 4310 Characterization of  Materials & Semiconductor Lab 0.75 1.5
ECE 4311 Digital Speech Processing 3 3 ECE 3205
ECE 4312 Digital speech Processing Lab 0.75 1.5 N/A
ECE 4313 Power System Protection 3 3
ECE 4314 Power System Protection Lab 0.75 1.5
ECE 4315 Internet of Things 3 3
ECE 4316 Internet of Things Lab 0.75 1.5
ECE 4317 Wireless and MIMO Communication 3 3 ECE 3201
ECE 4318 Wireless and MIMO Communication 0.75 1.5 N/A

Note for coding of courses:

1. The first digit means no. of year.

2. The second digit means no. of the semester.

3. Third and fourth digits signify types of courses in sequence, where

i) “00” represent only lab course,

ii) Odd number in the fourth digit represents the theory and

iii) Even number in the fourth digit represents lab for the corresponding theory course.

***NB: Diploma holders will get waiver based on their BTEB curriculum

Synopsis of Syllabus

ECE1101 Electrical Circuit I Credit Hours: 3.0

 Circuit variables and elements, Basic laws;

Simple resistive circuits; Techniques of circuit analysis; Network theorems; Energy storage elements; Responses of RL and RC circuits; Magnetic quantities and variables; Laws in magnetic circuits; Magnetic circuits.

ECE1102 Electrical Circuit I Lab Credit Hours: 1.5

This course consists of two part. In first part student will perform experiments to verify practically the theories and concepts learned in ECE1101. In second part, students will design systems using the principles learned in ECE1101.

ECE1200 Electrical Services Design Credit Hours : 1.5

 Wiring system design, drafting, and estimation. Design for illumination and lighting. Electrical installations system design: substation, BBT and protection, air-conditioning, heating and lifts. Design for intercom, public address systems, telephone system and LAN. Design of security systems including CCTV, fire alarm, smoke detector, burglar alarm and sprinkler system. A design problem on a multi-storied building.

ECE1201 Electrical Circuit II Credit Hours: 3.0

 Sinusoidal functions: Instantaneous current, voltage, power, effective current and voltage, average power, phasors and complex quantities, impedance, real and reactive power, power factor.  Analysis of single phase AC circuits: Series and parallel RL, RC and RLC circuits, nodal and mesh analysis, application of network theorems in AC circuits, circuits with non-sinusoidal excitations, transients in AC circuits, passive filters.  Resonance in AC circuits: Series and parallel resonance, Magnetically coupled circuits. Analysis of three phase circuits: Three phase supply, balanced and unbalanced circuits, and power calculation.

ECE1202 Electrical Circuit I Lab Credit Hours: 1.5

This course consists of two part. In first part student will perform experiments to verify practically the theories and concepts learned in ECE1201. In second part, students will design systems using the principles learned in ECE1201.

ECE2100 Electrical Circuit Simulation Lab Credit Hours: 1.5

This course consists of Computer based simulation and modeling based on theory course Electrical Circuit I and II. Students will verify the theoretical concepts using simulation software like PSpice and Matlab.

ECE2101 Electronics I Credit Hours: 3.0

 P-N junction as a circuit element; Diode circuits; Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT) as a circuit element; BJT amplifier circuits; Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor (MOSFET) as circuit element; Junction Field-Effect-Transistor (JFET); Differential and multistage amplifiers.

ECE2102 Electronics I Lab Credit Hours: 1.5

This course consists of two part. In first part student will perform experiments to verify practically the theories and concepts learned in ECE2101. In second part, students will design systems using the principles learned in ECE2101

ECE2103 Information Theory and Error Coding  Credit Hours: 3.00

Measuring Information, Modeling of an Information Source, Axiomatic definition of Entropy, Property of the Entropy Joint Entropy, Relative Entropy and Mutual Information, Joint and Conditional Entropy, Joint Entropy, Conditional entropy, Relative Entropy and Mutual Information, Relative Entropy, Mutual Information. Sources with Memory, Markov Chain, Characterization of Stochastic Processes, Entropy Rate, Markov Sources, Property and Source Coding, Source Coding, Memory-less Source Coding, Extension to the Sources with Memory, Data Compression, Kraft Inequality, Alternative proof of Shannon’s source coding theorem. Discrete Memory-less Channel, A Mathematical Model for the channel, Examples of discrete memory-less channels, Channel Coding, Preview of the Channel, Coding Theorem, Definitions and concepts, Channel Coding Theorem, Channel Coding in practice. Block Codes, Linear Codes, Hamming Codes, Generator Matrix, Parity-Check Matrix, Syndrome, Cyclic codes. Convolutional Encoder, Tree Representation of Convolutional Codes, Finite-State Machine Code Representation, Trellis Representation of Convolutional Codes

ECE2104 Information Theory and Error Coding Lab Credit Hours : 0.75

  1. Entropy computation (Joint entropy, conditional entropy, self-information and mutual information).

2.Huffman and Shanon fano source coding techniques to compress text files.

  1. LZW coding technique to compress text files
  2. Linear Block codes: Encoding and Decoding.
  3. Cyclic Codes: Encoding and Decoding
  4. Convolution coding scheme: Generation of Trellis Codes.
  5. Convolution decoding scheme: Viterbi decoding technique.
  6. Study of Reed and Solomon Codes.

ECE2201 Electronics II Credit Hours: 3.0

 Frequency response of amplifiers;  Operational amplifiers (Op-Amp; General purpose Op-Amp; Power Amplifiers; Active filters;  Oscillators; Signal generators; Integrated Circuits.

 ECE2202 Electronics II Lab Credit Hours: 1.5

This course consists of two part. In first part student will perform experiments to verify practically the theories and concepts learned in ECE2201. In second part, students will design systems using the principles learned in ECE2201

ECE2203 Electromagnetic Fields and Waves Credit Hours: 3.0

 Review of Vector Analysis: Scalar and vector quantity, dot and cross product, Cartesian, cylindrical and spherical co-ordinates. Electrostatics: Coulomb’s of magnetic field, electric field intensity, electrical flux density. Gauss’s theorem with application, electrostatic potential, boundary conditions, method of images, Laplace’s and Poisson’s equations, energy of an electrostatic system, conductor and dielectrics. Magneto-statics: Concept of magnetic field, Ampere’s Law, Biot-Savart law, vector magnetic potential, energy of magneto-static system, mechanical forces and torque’s in electric and magnetic fields, Curvilinear co-ordinates, rectangular, cylindrical and spherical co-ordinates, solutions to static field problems. Graphical field mapping with applications, solution to Laplace’s equations, rectangular, cylindrical and spherical harmonics with applications.

Maxwell’s equations: Their derivations, continuity of charges, concepts of displacement current, Boundary conditions for time-varying system, Potentials used with varying charge and currents, Retarded potentials, Maxwell’s equations in different coordinate system.

Relation between circuit theory and field theory: Circuit concepts and the derivation from the field equations, High frequency circuit concepts, circuit radiation resistance, Skin effect and circuit impedance, Concept of good and perfect conductors and dielectrics, Current distribution in various types of conductors, depth of penetration, internal impedance, power loss, calculation of inductance and capacitance.

Capacitors: Parallel plate, cylindrical and spherical, mica and electrolytic capacitors.

ECE2205 Basic Communication Engineering  Credit Hours: 3.00

Principles of communication system: Basic constituents of communication system. Need for using high carrier frequency, Classification of RF spectrum.

Noise: Classification of noise, Addition of noise due to several sources, Signal to noise ratio, Noise figure.

Modulation theory: Definition, AM, FM. Mathematical expression of AM, FM signals. Comparison of FM and AM, Pre-emphasis.

De-emphasis. Wide band FM and narrow band FM. Stereophonic FM multiplex system.

Modulation/Demodulation methods: Linear modulation, Square law modulation. DSBSC and SSB modulators, Demodulators, Diode detector and balanced modulators and demodulators, FM modulation using VCO, FM demodulation using the phase locked loop, ratio detector and discriminators, Transmitter, Receiver.

Radar: Basic principles, Radar equation, Factors influencing maximum range, Effect of noise, frequencies used in radar, Types of radar, basic pulsed radar system, Modulators, Transmitter, Receivers, Band width requirements, Factors governing pulsed characteristics, Duplexer, Moving target indicator, Tracking radar systems and search systems.

Telephony: Introduction, Transmitter and receiver, Switching system: Electromechanical switching, Electronic switching, Telephone networks, Telephone tones, Establishment of a call, Telephone traffic theory, Multiplexing, Telephone channels, Carrier telephony, Digital telephone system, Modems, Stored program control (SPC) telephone exchange, SDA system.        

 ECE2206 Basic Communication Engineering Lab Credit Hours: 1.5

Whilst undertaking these activities successful students of the program will have been required to demonstrate an ability to Execute experiments in a laboratory safely (BM),  Use laboratory equipment to generate and test systems and designs as well as provide data (BM), Analyze experimental results and determine their validity (BM), Use computational tools and packages (BM), Produce electrical and electronic technical drawings, Write technical reports, Give technical presentations Use scientific literature effectively. 

 ECE2207 Signals and Linear Systems Credit Hours : 3.0

Classification of signals and systems: Time Invariant (LTI) systems; Time domain analysis of LTI systems; Frequency domain analysis of LTI systems; Applications of time and frequency domain analyses;   Laplace transformation; Introduction to Random signals.

ECE3101 Digital Electronics and Logic Design Credit Hours: 3.0

Number Systems: Representation of numbers in different bases, Addition, Subtraction in different bases, Base compliment, Subtraction using Complements, Binary Multiplication and Division Binary codes and Simplification of Boolean Functions: Different Code Systems, Boolean algebra, V<arious gates, Sum of product, Product of sum, Maxterm, Minterm, Standard and Canonical form and other Logical Operations, Karnaugh map Method, Tabular method of simplification.

Implementation of Logic Circuits using various Gates: NOR, NAND, AND, OR, INVERT Implementation, Diode Logic Gates, Transistor switches, Transistor Gates, MOS Gates, Logic families: TTL, ECL, IIL and CMOS Logic with operation details. Combinational Logic Circuits: Design procedure, Adder, Subtractor, Code Converters, Parity Bit Checker etc. Analysis of Combinational circuit and its Truth Table, Encoder, decoder, Multiplexer, Demultiplexer, ROM and PLA. Introduction: Diode logic gates, Transistor switches, Transistor gates, MOS gates.  Logic Families: TTL, ECL, IIL and CMOS logic with operation details, Propagation delay, Product and noise immunity, Open collector and high impedance gates, Electronic circuits for flip-flops, Counters and register, Memory systems, PLAs, A/D and D/A converters with applications, S/H circuits, LED, LCD and optically coupled oscillators, Non-linear applications of OP AMPs, Analog switches.  Flip-Flops: SR, JK, Master slave, T and D type Flip-Flops and their truth tables. Sequential Circuits: Introduction to Sequential Circuits, analysis and Synthesis of Synchronous sequential Circuits. Counters: Classifications, Synchronous and asynchronous Counter design and Analysis, Ring Counter, Jonson Counter, Counter with Parallel Load. Registers: Classifications, Shift Register, Transfer Register, Circular registers and their applications, registers with Parallel Load.

Converters: Digital to Analog (D/A) and Analog to digital (A/D) Converters and application

ECE3102 Digital Electronics and Logic Design Lab Credit Hours : 1.5

This course consists of two part. In first part student will perform experiments to verify practically the theories and concepts learned in ECE3101. In second part, students will design systems using the principles learned in ECE3101

ECE 3103 Data Communication Credit Hours : 3.00

 Data Overview: Introduction, A Communication Model, and Data Communication.

Data Transmission and Communication: Concepts and Terminology, Analog and Digital Data Transmission, Transmission impairments, Channel Capacity, Terrestrial and satellite minor axis, radio waves, VSAT, RJ-11and RJ-45 standard connectors, NIC, HUB, bridge, router, ADSL and ISDN modems.

Signal Encoding Technique: Digital data, Digital signal Digital data, Analog signal Analog data, Digital signal Analog data, Analog signal, Data and signal, Manchester encoding, ASK, FSK, PSK encoding, Echo cancellation, Quantization, Digital Data communication Technique: Asynchronous and synchronous transmission, Types of error, error detection, error correction, line configuration and interfacing

Data Link Control: Flow control, error control, and high-level data link control

Multiplexing: Frequency division multiplexing, Time division multiplexing (Synchronous and statistical), symmetric digital subscriber line, xDSL

Circuit Switching, Packet Switching, ATM: Switching networks, Circuit switching concepts, Circuit switching network, control signaling, Soft-switch architecture, packet switching principle.

ECE 3105 Electronic Communication Credit Hours : 3.0

 Need for Communication, Basic constituents of communication system, Analogue, Digital, Periodic and Aperiodic signal, Classification of RF spectrum. Importance of modulation, signals in the modulation process, Continuous – wave and pulse modulation, AM, FM, Pre-emphasis, de-emphasis, wide band and narrow band FM, Stereophonic FM multiplex system. Linear and square law modulation, Sideband modulation, VSB and angle modulation, modulators and demodulators, transmitter and receiver.

Digital telephone system, protocol, circuit and packet switching system, network devices, network topologies, telephone networks, telephone tones, call establishment, telephone traffic theory, multiplexing. Effect of noise, types of noise, signal to noise ratio, noise figure,

noise temperature, addition of noise due to several sources, transmission lines and lumped Components receiver architecture.

Classification of radio transmitters, radio broadcast transmitters, radio telephone transmitters, volume compressor, peak clipper, VODAS, radio telegraph transmitters, basic functions of AM receivers, principle of super heterodyne receiver, tone and tuning control, noise limiter, privacy devices in radio telephony, fm receivers, antennas.

Elements of a television system, analysis and synthesis of television system, the picture tube, television camera tubes, basic television broadcasting, television receiver, Essentials of color television.

ECE 3106 Electronic Communication Lab Credit Hours: 1.5

To study the second order active low pass, high pass, band pass and band reject filters.

To study the different kinds of RF oscillators.

To study the AM modulators.

To study the AM demodulators.

To study the DSB-SC and SSB modulators.

To study the DSB-SC and SSB demodulators.

To study the FM modulators.

To study the FM demodulators.

To study the TDM multiplexers.

To study the TDM demultiplexers.

To study the FDM multiplexers.

To study the FDM demultiplexers.

To study the analog to digital converter.

To study the digital to analog converter.

ECE3107 Cellular Mobile Communication   Credit Hours: 3.00

Introduction to code divisions Multiple Access (CDMA), Basic concepts, Spread spectrum, DS (Direct sequence) spread spectrum, Reverse link DSCDMA, forward link DS-CDMA, Cellular systems, GSM, AMPS, Cellular digital packet data. CDMA Air links: Pilot channel, Synchronous channel, Paging channel, Traffic channel, Free space propagation, Propagation model, Multi path propagation, Propagation environment, Marine environment.

Historical developments of Mobile Telephony, Trunking efficiency, Propagation criteria, mobile ratio environment, Elements of cellular radio system design, Specifications, Channel capacity, Cell coverage for signal and traffic, Mobile propagation models and fading models, Interference effects, Power control, Mobile switching and traffic, Mobile switching system and its subsystems, Mobile communication protocols.

Satellite Communication: Introduction, Types of Satellites, Orbits, Station keeping, Satellite altitude, Transmission path, Path losses, Noise considerations, Satellite systems, Saturation flux density, Effective isotropic radiated power, Multiple access methods.

ECE 3109 Measurement and Instrumentation Credit Hours: 3.0

Introduction: Applications, functional elements of a measurement system and classification of instruments.  Measurement of electrical quantities: Current and voltage, power and energy measurement, Current and potential transformer.  Transducers: mechanical, electrical and optical.  Measurement of non-electrical quantities: Temperature, pressure, flow, level, strain, force and torque.  Basic elements of DC and AC signal conditioning: Instrumentation amplifier, noise and source of noise, noise elimination compensation, function generation and linearization, A/D and D/A converters, sample and hold circuits.

Data Transmission and Telemetry: Methods of data transmission, DC/AC telemetry system and digital data transmission, Recording and display devices, Data acquisition system and microprocessor applications in instrumentation.

ECE 3201 Digital Communication Credit Hours: 3.0

Introduction: Concepts of digital communication, elements of digital communication system. Pulse Modulation: Sampling process -PAM- other forms of pulse modulation -Bandwidth – Noise trade off -Quantization -PCM- Noise considerations in PCM Systems-TDM- Digital multiplexers-Virtues, Limitation and modification of PCM-Delta modulation -Linear prediction -differential pulse code modulation – Adaptive Delta Modulation.  Baseband Pulse Transmission: Matched Filter- Error Rate due to noise -Intersymbol Interference – Nyquist’s criterion for Distortionless Base band Binary Transmission- Correlative level coding -Baseb and M-ary PAM transmission -Adaptive Equalization -Eye patterns

Passband Data Transmission: Introduction – Pass band Transmission model- Generation, Detection, Signal space diagram, bit error probability and Power spectra of BPSK, QPSK, FSK and MSK schemes -Differential phase shift keying – Comparison of Digital modulation systems using a single carrier – Carrier and symbol synchronization.

Spread Spectrum Modulation: Pseudo- noise sequences -a notion of spread spectrum – Direct sequence spread spectrum with coherent binary phase shift keying – Signal space Dimensionality and processing gain -Probability of error – Frequency -hop spread spectrum -Maximum length and Gold codes.

ECE3202 Digital Communication lab Credit Hours: 1.5

This course consists of two part. In first part student will perform experiments to verify practically the theories and concepts learned in ECE3201. In second part, students will design systems using the principles learned in ECE3201

ECE 3205 Digital Signal Processing Credit Hours: 3.0

 Discrete-time Signals and systems: signal representation, concept of filters, convolution, stability and causality, random signals (correlation, power spectrum).  DTFT: Power density spectrum, Relationship to Z transform, The Cepstrum, Concept of bandwidth, Frequency range of natural signals, Properties of DTFT, The Wiener-Khintchine theorem.  The z Transform: uses, definitions, region of convergence, inverse z transform, linearity, shift, convolution, multiplication, complex conjugation, Parseval’s relation.  Input-Output Relationships: system function, poles and zeros, frequency response, filter examples, state variables.  Discrete-Time Networks: signal flow graphs, cascade and parallel networks, transpose networks, stability, linear phase, more filter examples. Linear wave shaping: Diode wave shaping techniques, Clipping and Clamping circuits, Comparator circuits, Switching circuits, Pulse transformers, Pulse transmission, Pulse generation, Monostable, bistable and astable Multivibrators, Schmitt trigger, Blocking oscillators and time-base circuit, Timing circuits, Simple voltage sweeps, Linear current sweeps. Sampling of Signals: Nyquist theorem, aliasing, D/A conversion, ideal sampling/reconstruction, real-world systems (prefilters, quantization, postfilters), Discrete-time decimation and interpolation; Interpolation and Decimation: Seen as a filter design problem, role of FIR filters. Discrete Fourier Transform: definition, properties, zero padding, linear convolution, leakage, windows;  FFT Algorithms: decimation in time, real-valued data, radix 4 FFT, prime factor algorithms, 2-dimensional DFT, Fast Convolution, Convolution of long sequence, Overlap add and Overlap save method. IIR Filters: mathematical structure, Impulse Invariance, Bilinear Transform, design by transformation, Butterworth, Chebyshev, Cauer designs, recursive implementations, ladderand lattice structures. FIR Filters: mathematical structure, filter design by pole/zero placement, design by windowing , Parks-McClellan algorithm, frequency-domain design, non-recursive implementations, 2D filters. Use of DSP in Radar: complex signals, 2-dimensional signals, matched filtering, fast convolution, side-lobe control,

Applications in medical imaging (CT, MRI), Speech processing.

ECE3206 Digital Signal Processing Lab Credit Hours: 0.75

This course consists of two part. In first part student will perform experiments to verify practically the theories and concepts learned in ECE3205. In second part, students will design systems using the principles learned in ECE3205

ECE 3207 Microprocessor and Assembly Language Credit Hours : 3.0

Introduction: Microprocessors, a historical background, Evolution of microprocessor, Digital computers, Microcomputer organization and its operation, Microprocessors’ Internal operational units and Operation, Microprocessor with a computer system, Number systems. Microprocessor’s Architecture: 8086 mP, Internal architecture, Programming model, different purpose registers, their functions, operating modes, Clock circuitry, Address, Data and Control connections.  Addressing modes: data addressing modes, program memory addressing modes, stack memory addressing modes and I/O addressing modes. Instructions and Implementation: Data definition and transfer, Arithmetic and logic Instructions, character representation instructions, Logic shift and rotate instructions and some examples, Flow control instructions: Jump, Call, Interrupt instructions and others miscellaneous instructions. Subroutine: definition of subroutine, Calling, Parameter passing and recursion. Macros: definition of Macros, Macro operators, Advance macros usage. Dos file functions: Test file, Bit file and file manipulations.

Assembly Language and programming: Machine and assembly languages-Necessity and applications, Elements of assembly languages, Expression and operators, Statements, Formats, Machine Instructions, constructions of machine code, segment override prefix, assembler directives and some examples of 8086 assembly language program. 8086 Hardware Specifications: Some input-output basic characteristics of a digital logic ICs and 8086 microprocessor, the pin configuration of 8086 microprocessor in minimum and maximum modes, Pin connections and functions, Clock generator(8284A), Operation and function of clock generator, Bus buffering and latching, Bus timing, Read and Write timing. Memory and I/O Interface: Memory map, Address decoding, Memory interfacing to microprocessor, types of I/O, Modes and conditions of data transfer, , mP controlled data transfer, Peripheral device control data transfer, data transfer with handshaking, Basic interface concepts, Interfacing I/O devices, Interfacing output displays, Interfacing input keyboard, 8086 serial I/O line. Programmable Peripheral Interface (PPI) (8255), programming the 8255, Programmable Interval Timer (PIT)(8254), programming the 8254, DMA connection and operation. Application of Microprocessors: Case study from temperature monitoring system, Close loop process control, Digital Analytical Instruments Data acquisition system, I/O device control, Introduction to other  mP (8088, 80286, 80386, 80486, Pentium), Communication Applications and Protocols.

 ECE3208 Microprocessor and Assembly Language Lab  Credit Hours : 0.75

This course consists of two part. In first part student will perform experiments to verify practically the theories and concepts learned in ECE3206. In second part, students will design systems using the principles learned in ECE3206

 ECE 3209 Microwave Engineering and Antenna Engineering Credit Hours : 3.0

 Introduction:  Review of Basic Electromagnetics, An introduction to the design and analysis of active and passive radio frequency and microwave circuits.

Transmission lines: Voltage and current in ideal transmission lines, reflection, transmission, standing wave, impedance transformation, Smith chart, impedance matching and lossy transmission lines.

Waveguides: general formulation, modes of propagation and losses in parallel plate, rectangular and circular waveguides.  Microwave Tubes and Semiconductor Devices: Generation of UHF by triodes and their limitations, Klystrons, Reflex klystron, Magnetron and other devices, Impact Advanced Transit Time (IMPACT) diode, Gunn diode, Microwave transistors. Microwave Link: Microwave link and its advantages, Frequency assignment and modulation methods, Transmitting and receiving equipment, Base band repeater, IF repeater, Microwave carrier supply, Auxiliary channels and Microwave antennas. UHF Transmission Line: Introduction and Characteristics, Impedance matching, Different terminating condition, Resonant line, Delay line, Standing wave impedance diagram, Smith chart and its application.

Microwave Components: Cavity resonators, Resonator, Directional coupler, Resonator for optical systems, Attenuator, Isolator, and Circulator.

Microstrips: Structures and characteristics. Rectangular resonant cavities: Energy storage, losses and Q.

Radiation: Small current element, radiation resistance, radiation pattern and properties, Hertzian and half wave dipoles.

Microwave Networks and Impedance Matching, Smith Chart, S-Matrix, ABCD Matrix, Transformers Microwave Filters, Active RF Components, Matching networks to active components, Microwave Amplifier Design, Microwave Systems Microwave Integrated Circuits (MIC), RF Micro electromechanical System (MEMS) Components, RF Components for Wireless Systems, RF Components for Ultra-Wideband Systems

Microwave Measurement: Power measurement, Attenuation measurement, VWSR and Q measurement.

ECE3210 Microwave Engineering and Antenna Engineering Lab Credit Hours: 1.5

This course consists of two part. In first part student will perform experiments to verify practically the theories and concepts learned in ECE3209. In second part, students will design systems using the principles learned in ECE3209

 ECE 4101 Control Systems Credit Hours: 3.0

 Introduction to control systems. Linear system models: transfer function, block diagram and signal flow graph (SFG). State variables: SFG to state variables, transfer function to state variable and state variable to transfer function.  Feedback control system: Closed loop systems, parameter sensitivity, transient characteristics of control systems, effect of additional pole and zero on the system response and system types and steady state error. Routh stability criterion.

Analysis of feedback control system: Root locus method and frequency response method. Design of feedback control system: Controllability and observability, root locus, frequency response and state variable methods.

Digital control systems: introduction, sampled data systems, stability analysis in Z-domain.

ECE4102 Control Systems Lab Credit Hours: 1.5

This course consists of two part. In first part student will perform experiments to verify practically the theories and concepts learned in ECE4101. In second part, students will design systems using the principles learned in ECE4101.

ECE4103 Telecommunication and Switching Credit Hours: 3

Introduction and historic overview: ancient modes of telecommunication — signal fires, drums and semaphores; Shannon’s diagrammatic model of communication processes; information and uncertainty; the statistical nature of information sources; representations of information; analog and digital communication; the role of perception in the communication process

Wire telegraphy: an introduction to basic electrical concepts — voltage, current, resistance and capacitance; liquid models of electric current flow; electrostatic telegraphic transmitters and receivers; electromagnetism — Oersted and Faraday; electromagnetic telegraphic transmitters and receivers; analog and digital telegraphy; simple alpha-numeric codes; physical limitations on data transmission rates; telegraph/teletype store and forward systems; duplex and quaduplex transmission — a means of sharing of scarce communication resources; the seminal harmonic telegraph.

Telephones and phonographs: sound and hearing — the characteristics of auditory information; temporal and spectral representations of auditory signals; analog telephony and recording; telephonic and phonographic transmitters and receivers; frequency (FDM) and time (TDM) multiplexing; the Nyquist-Shannon sampling theorem; harmonic oscillators; frequency filtering — an important example of information transformation; models and characteristics of speech.

Wireless (radio) telegraphy and telephony: more on electromagnetism — Maxwell and Hertz; understanding how electromagnetic disturbances propagate; characteristics of the electromagnetic spectrum; early radio transmitters and receivers; the encoding and multiplexing of electromagnetic signals; modulation formats — AM, FM, PM, ASK, FSK, PSK etc.; radio broadcasting systems.

Video communication: light and vision — the characteristics of visual information; representations of visual or pictorial information; comparison of conventional analog TV and alternative formats; video bandwidth requirements; video compression as another important example of information transformation; video recording.

Evolution of analog (telephone) networks: an introduction to circuit switching concepts; architecture of telephone switches; the hierarchical structure of telephone networks; time multiplexing; analog-to-digital conversion and evolution from FDM to TDM; PCM telephone systems.

The new look of wireless communication: communication satellites; portable radio communication — cordless telephones; beepers, cellular telephones, and personal communication services in general; radio frequency identification.

Fiber optics: an introduction to the physics and technology of lightwave communication in general; fiber optics — a communication channel of, essentially, limitless capacity.

Digital (data) networks: an introduction to store-and-forward switching concepts; packet switched networks; network architectures and protocols; high data rate networks; vanishing distinction between communication and computation.

ECE4104 Telecommunication and Switching Lab               Credit Hours: 1.5

  1. Laboratory exercise. Analysis of RS-232 interface.
  2. Laboratory exercise. Analysis of ARP protocol.
  3. Laboratory exercise. Analysis of STP protocol.
  4. Laboratory exercise. Analysis of VLAN technology.

ECE4105 Semiconductor Physics and Devices Credit Hours : 3.0

Overview: the structure and growth of crystals, the energy band model for elemental and compound semiconductors, electronic and optical properties of semiconductors, electroluminescence and photoluminescence, the semiconductor in equilibrium. Lattice vibration: Simple harmonic model, dispersion relation, acoustic and optical phonons. Band structure: Isotropic and anisotropic crystals, band diagrams and effective masses of different semiconductors and alloys. Scattering theory: Review of classical theory, Fermi-Golden rule, scattering rates of different processes, scattering mechanisms in different semiconductors, mobility. Different carrier transport models: Drift-diffusion theory, bipolar transport, hydrodynamic model, Boltzman transport equations, quantum mechanical model, simple applications, Carrier concentration, carrier transport phenomena in semiconductors, continuity equation, origin of bands and band theory of solids, Hall effect,  MOSFET: depletion and enhancement type n- and p-channels. Optoelectronics: characteristics and applications of optoelectronics, solar cells, phototransistors, LEDs, Construction and basic characteristics of solar cells, opto-couplers, high-frequency semiconductor devices, wave mechanics, time-dependent and time-independent Schrödinger wave equation and one-dimensional potential structures., Fundamentals underlying optical and electronic devices.

                ECE 4107 VLSI Technology Credit Hours: 3.0

 VLSI technology: Top down design approach, technology trends and design styles.  Review of MOS transistor theory: Threshold voltage, body effect, I-V equations and characteristics, latch-up problems, NMOS inverter, CMOS inverter, pass-transistor and transmission gates.  CMOS circuit characteristics and performance estimation: Resistance, capacitance, rise and fall times, delay, gate transistor sizing and power consumption.  CMOS circuit and logic design: Layout design rules and physical design of simple logic gates. CMOS subsystem design: Adders, multiplier and memory system, arithmetic logic unit. Programmable logic arrays, I/O systems, VLSI testing. Unit steps used in IC Technology: Wafer cleaning, photo-lithography, wet and dry etching, oxidation and diffusion, ion implantation, CVD and LPCVD techniques for deposition of poly silicon, silicon nitride and silicon di-oxide, Metallization and passivation. Special techniques for modern processes: self-aligned silicides, shallow junction formation, nitride oxides etc. Process flows for CMOS and bipolar IC processes. Introduction to process, device, circuit logic and timing simulation, Hardware description languages for high level design.

ECE4108 VLSI Technology lab Credit Hours: 1.5

This course consists of two part. In first part student will perform experiments to verify practically the theories and concepts learned in ECE4107. In second part, students will design systems using the principles learned in ECE4108

ECE4109 Optical Fiber Communication Credit Hours: 3.00

Optical fiber: Introduction, Structure, Step index and graded index fibers, Modes of propagation.

Signal degradation in optical fibers: Attenuation, signal distortion, pulses broadening mode coupling.

Optical sources: LED, Laser diodes light source linearity modal partition and reflection noise.

Power lunching and coupling: source to fiber power lunching Lansing scheme, fiber to fibber join, splicing fiber connectors.

Photo detectors: basic principles, photo-detectors noise, response time, avalanche multiplication noise.

Optical receiver operations: receiver configurations, digital receiver Performance preamplifiers. Digital translation systems: point to point link, line coding, eye pattern, system Performances.

Advanced systems and techniques: WDM, local area networks, optical amplifier, phonic switching.

 ECE4110 Optical Fiber Communication Lab Credit Hours: 1.5

Fiber optics at the beginning.

Application of fiber optics.

Light sources of fiber optics.

Light and optical fiber interaction.

Fiber optics Transmitter

Fiber optics receiver.

Fiber optics network and expand.

Fiber optics connectors and fiber polishing.

Data transmission-one module.

Data transmission-module to module.

Data transmission- PC to module.

Data transmission- module to PC.

CVSD data transmission.

ASK data transmission.

PSK/QPSK data transmission.

 ECE 4200 Thesis/Project Credit Hours: 4.0

 The course is a challenging opportunity to pursue independently an individual project and is likely to require extended effort. The two units together normally include a preparatory literature survey and developmental work such as design, construction and programming. Students choose a project that interests them, and are assigned to a team of two supervising staff members. The course designed to give students the experience of tackling a real problem and presenting their achievement; to search for prior knowledge; to learn to apply safety considerations to all actions
and to present results in writing and in person. The course is divided into two semester: 1 credit, 2 hours/week for 11th semester and 3 credits, 6 hours/week for 12th semester.

ECE4201 Remote Sensing Technology Credit Hours: 3.00

 History and Scope of Remote Sensing, Electromagnetic Radiation, Photographic Sensors, Digital Data, Image Interpretation, Land Observation Satellites, Active Microwave and Thermal Radiation, Image Resolution and Preprocessing, Image Classification and Field Data, Accuracy Assessment, Hyperspectual Remote Sensing, Plant Sciences, Earth Sciences, Land Use, and Land Cover, Global Remote Sensing, Engineering Applications, Urban-Industrial Applications.

 ECE4201 Remote Sensing Technology Credit Hours: 3.00

 Introduction to Radar technology, Continuous pulsed radar, General study of pulse radar, Radar performance factor, Free space radar equation,

Radar transmitting systems, the switches, charging methods, Gap modulator, power amplifier modulator, driver circuits, line controlled blocking oscillator driver, power amplifier, radar receivers, duplexer, Auto tracking radars.

Introduction to Satellite system, International Regulation and satellite service, General structure of a satellite communication systems, Merits and

drawbacks of satellite communication Introduction, Active and passive satellites, Digital satellite communication, modem and codec, Communication satellite subsystems, Satellite antenna radiation patterns, link models, link budget.

Elective Course- I

ECE4207 Biomedical Instrumentation Credit Hours: 3.0

Human body: Cells and physiological systems. Bioelectricity: genesis and characteristics. Measurement of bio-signals: Ethical issues, transducers, amplifiers and filters. Electrocardiogram: electrocardiography, phono cardiograph, vector cardiograph, analysis and interpretation of cardiac signals, cardiac pacemakers and defibrillator. Blood pressure: systolic, diastolic mean pressure, electronics manometer, detector circuits and practical problems in pressure monitoring. Blood flow measurement: Plethymography and electromagnetic flow meter. Measurement and interpretation: electroencephalogram, cerebral angiograph and cronical X-ray. Brain scans. Electromayogram (EMG). Tomograph: Positron emission tomography and computer tomography. Magnetic resonance imaging. Ultrasonogram. Patient monitoring system and medical telemetry. Effect of electromagnetic fields on human body.

 ECE4208 Biomedical Instrumentation Lab Credit Hours: 0.75

This course consists of two parts. In the first part, students will perform experiments to verify practically the theories and concepts learned in ECE-4243. In the second part, students will design simple systems using the principles learned in ECE-4243.

ECE4209 Robotics and Computer Vision Credit Hours: 3.00

Introduction to Robot, Robot configuration, Working envelopes and Degrees of freedom, Robot programming, Calibration of Robots, Robotics sensor, Robotic vision, Robot applications, Justification for Robots, Robots safety.

Digital Image representation, Elements of a digital Image processing system, An image model sampling and quantization, Some basic relationships between pixels, Imaging pixels, Imaging geometry, Image transformation, Image transformation, Image enhancement, Image smoothing, Image sharpening.

ECE4210 Robotics and Computer Vision Lab Credit Hours: 0.75

Students will do small programs on different C features. Review of C structures. They will also create programs with array. List, trees, graphs, stacks, queue, use of recursion, Design and implementation of sorting and searching algorithm, Time and space complexity analysis, design of efficient algorithm, implementation of divide and conquer, dynamic programming, Design and analysis of advanced sorting traversal techniques, merging, hashing techniques.

Elective Course- II

 ECE4307 Antennas and Wave Propagation Hours : 3.0

 Radiation Fields Of Wire Antennas: Concept of vector potential. Modification for time varying, retarded case. Fields associated with Hertzian dipole. Power radiated and radiation resistance of current element. Radiation resistance of elementary dipole with linear current distribution. Radiation from half-wave dipole and quarter-wave monopole. Assumed current distribution for wire antennas. Use of capacity hat and loading coil for short antennas.

Antenna Fundamentals: Radiation intensity. Directive gain. Directivity. Power gain. Beam Width. Band Width. Gain and radiation resistance of current element. Half-wave dipole and folded dipole. Reciprocity principle. Effective length and Effective area. Relation between gain effective length and radiation resistance.
Loop Antennas: Radiation from small loop and its radiation resistance. Radiation from a loop with circumference equal to a wavelength and resultant circular polarization on axis. Helical antenna. Normal mode and axial mode operation.
Antenna Arrays: Expression for electric field from two and three element arrays. Uniform linear array. Method of pattern multiplication. Binomial array. Use of method of images for antennas above ground.  Travelling Wave (Wideband) Antennas: Radiation from a traveling wave on a wire. Analysis of Rhombic antenna. Design of Rhombic antennas.

Coupled Antennas: Self and mutual impedance of antennas. Two and three element Yagi antennas. Log periodic antenna. Reason for feeding from end with shorter dipoles and need for transposing the lines.  Aperture And Lens Antennas: Radiation from an elemental area of a plane wave (Huygen’s Source). Radiation from the open end of a coaxial line. Radiation from a rectangular aperture treated as an array of Huygen’s sources. Equivalence of fields of a slot and complementary dipole. Relation between dipole and slot impedances. Method of feeding slot antennas. Thin slot in an infinite cylinder. Field on the axis of an E-Plane sectoral horn. Radiation from circular aperture. Beam Width and Effective area. Reflector type of antennas (dish antennas). Dielectric lens and metal plane lens antennas. Lumeberg lens. Spherical waves and Biconical antenna. Propagation: The three basic types of propagation; ground wave, space wave and sky wave propagation.
Sky wave propagation: Structure of the ionosphere. Effective dielectric constant of ionized region. Mechanism of refraction. Refractive index. Critical frequency. Skip distance. Effect of earth’s magnetic field. Energy loss in the ionosphere due to collisions. Maximum usable frequency. Fading and Diversity reception.
Space wave propagation: Reflection from ground for vertically and horizontally polarized waves. Reflection characteristics of earth. Resultant of direct and reflected ray at the receiver. Duct propagation. Ground wave propagation: Attenuation characteristics for ground wave propagation. Calculation of field strength at a distance.

Radio wave Propagation in Mobile Environments: Free space, Ground Reflection models, Knife-edge diffraction model & Okumura models; Indoor propagation models.

ECE4308 Antennas and Wave Propagation Lab Hours: 0.75

 Students will do simulation work base on some research idea by MATLAB software. They will plot various wave and radiation patterns based on some specific parameters.

ECE4317 Wireless and MIMO Communication    Credit Hours: 3.0

History of wireless communication, and future trends,  Wireless Generations and Standards,     Cellular Concept and Cellular System Fundamentals,  Trunking Cell Splitting and Sectoring, Mobile Radio signal propagation, path loss and channel models,  Large Scale Path Loss (R4), Small Scale Path Loss – Rayleigh and Rician Fading (R5), Analog Modulation Schemes for Wireless Communication-AM/FM, Digital Modulation Techniques for Wireless Communication,Preliminaries,Baseband Modulation Schemes : Matched Filter and Detection Theory, Bandpass Modulation Techniques,Fading Counteraction–Diversity, Coding and Interleaving,Source and Channel Coding,Speech Coding for Wireless Communications, Adaptive Equalization, Multipath Propagation, Doppler,  Multiplexing and Multiple Access techniques,  TDMA, FDMA,   ALOHA – Packet Radio,   Spread Spectrum-CDMA,      Frequency Hopped Spread Spectrum,Inter-Symbol Interference (ISI),ISI mitigation; Equalization,Random Access Protocols ,Wireless Networking ,Wireless Standards, Third generation systems and advanced topics,    Wideband-CDMA, MCCDMA , OFDM principles; Comparison of OFDM and CDMA WLAN and Bluetooth, MIMO Basics, Standard MIMO Configurations, Antenna Choices for MIMO Radios, Omni Antenna Options for MIMO Systems, Body Worn Directional Antennas, Vehicle Mount Omni MIMO Antennas, Directional and Sector Infrastructure Antennas.

Departmental Seminar Library

Southern University Bangladesh

Faculty of Science & Engineering

Departments of EEE, ECE

SL. Name of the Book Writer Name Edition Quantity Remarks
1 A Textbook of Electrical Technology in S.I. Units(VLM-I) Basic Electrical Engineering B. L. Theraja 23rd 2 Electrical Circuits
2 Alternating Current Circuits Russell M.Kerchner 4th 1 Electrical Circuits
3 Electrical Devices Thomas L. Floyd Impression 3rd 1 Electrical Circuits
4 Fundamentals of Electric Circuit Charles K. Alexander 5th 2 Electrical Circuits
5 Introduction to Electrical Engineering Robert P. Ward 3rd 1 Electrical Circuits
6 Introductory Circuit Analysis Robert L. Boylestad 13th 1 Electrical Circuits
7 Linear Electric Circuits Wallace L. Cassell 1 Electrical Circuits
8 Alternating Current Circuits G.F.Corcoran 1 Electrical Circuits
9 Electrical Technology Part I B.P.Lathi 1 Electrical Circuits
10 Electrical Technology Part- IV R.R.Gulati 1 Electrical Circuits
11 Introductory Circuit Analysis Robert L Boylestad 1 Electrical Circuits
12 Objective Electrical Technology V.K Mehta 1 Electrical Circuits
13 Modern Digital Electronics R P Jain 3rd 2 Electrionics
14 A text book of Electrical Technology in S.I. Units(VLM-IV) Electronic Devices and circuits B. L. Theraja 24th 1 Electronics
15 Electrical Technology in S.I. Unit (VLM-IV) Electronic Devices & Circuits B.L. Theraja 24th 1 Electronics
16 Electronic Devices (Conventional Current Version) Thomas L. Floyd 9th 1 Electronics
17 Electronic Devices and Circuits David A. Bell 4th 1 Electronics
18 Electronic Devices and Circuits Robert L. Boylestad 11th 1 Electronics
19 Electronic Principles Albert Malvino 7th 1 Electronics
20 Elements of Electronics M K Bagde 2002 1 Electronics
21 Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory Robert L. Boylestad 11th 1 Electronics
22 Hand book of Electronics Dr. S.L. Gupta 35th 1 Electronics
23 Integrated Electronics Jacob Millman 2nd 1 Electronics
24 Microelectronic Circuits Adel S. Sedra 5th 1 Electronics
25 Electronic Circuits Mahmood Nahvi 4th 1 Electronics
26 Principles of Electronics V.K. Mehta 11th 1 Electronics
27 Electronics Devices and Circuits Jacob Millman 2nd 1 Electronics
28 Operational Amplifiers and Linear Integrated Circuits Robert F. coughlin 6th 1 Electronics
29 Operational Amplifiers and Linear Integrated Circuits Robert F. coughlin 4th 1 Electronics
30 Electronic Devices G.F.Corcoran 1 Electronics
31 Electronic Principles Thomas Floyd 1 Electronics
32 Op Amps Linear Integrated Circuits Thomas Floyd 1 Electronics
33 Electronics Devices Circuits Theory John G.Proakis 1 Electronics
34 A Textbook of Electrical Technology in S.I. Units(VLM-II) AC & DC Machines B. L. Theraja 23rd 2 Machine
35 Electrical Technology Volume-II AC & DC Machine B.L Theraja 1 Machine
36 Alternating Current Machines A E Puchstein 3rd 1 Machine
37 Direct ant Alternating Current Machinery Rosenblatt Friedman 2nd 1 Machine
38 Electric Machinery Fundamentals Stephen J. Chapman 2017-18 1 Machine
39 Electric Machines D P Kothari 6th 1 Machine
40 Electric Machnery A. E. Fitzgerald 6th 1 Machine
41 Principles of Electrical Machines V.K.Mehta 2013-14 1 Machine
42 Theory of Machines R. S. Khurmi 1st 1 Machine
43 Electrical Machinery Fundamentals B.L.Theraja 1 Machine
44 Statistics Murray R Spiegel 4th 1 Mathematics
45 A text Book on Co-ordinate Geometry(2 & 3 Dimensions) with Vector Analysis A. F. M. Abdur Rahman 8th 1 Mathematics
46 A Text Book on Integral Calculus Dr. Khosh Mohammad 3rd 1 Mathematics
47 Differential Equations Shepley L. Ross 3rd 1 Mathematics
48 Engineering Mathematics H.K. Dass 2016-2017 1 Mathematics
49 Linear Algebra Seymoru Lipschutz 3rd 1 Mathematics
50 Matrices P. N. Chatterjee 19th 1 Mathematics
51 Numerical Methods E Balgurusamy 15th 1 Mathematics
52 Numerical Methods Dr. V. N. Vedamuirthy 2006 1 Mathematics
53 Numerical Methods Dr.V N Vedamurthy 1 Mathematics
54 Communication Systems BP Lathi 1st 1 Communication
55 Data and Computer Communications William stallings 7th 1 Communication
56 Data Communication and Networking Behrouz A. Forouzan 5th 1 Communication
57 Digital and Anllog Communication Systems Leon W. Couch II 6th 1 Communication
58 Digital Communications Fundamentals and Applications Bernard Sklar 2nd 1 Communication
59 Electronic Communication Systems George Kennedy 4th 1 Communication
60 Fiber-Optic Communications Technology Djafar K. Mynbaev 6th 1 Communication
61 Introducing to Telecommunication (Voice, Data and the Internet) Marion Cole 2nd 1 Communication
62 Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems B>P. Lathi 4th 1 Communication
63 Optical Fiber Communications John M. Senior 3rd 1 Communication
64 Optical Fiber Communications Gerd Keiser 5th 1 Communication
65 Radio Engineering(Principles of Communication Systems) G.K. Mithal 20th 1 Communication
66 Satellite Communicatio(Covering Latest Digital Satellite Technologies and System) Dr. D C Agarwal 2006 1 Communication
67 Telecommuntion Switching Systems and Networks Thiagarajan Viswanathan 22nd 1 Communication
68 Wireless Communications and Networking Jon W. Mark 2009 1 Communication
69 Wireless Communications(Principles and Practice) Theodore S. Rappaport 2nd 1 Communication
70 Digital Telephony John C. Bellamy 3rd 1 Communication
71 Monochrome Color TV V.K.Metha,Rohit Metha 1 Communication
72 Optical Fiber Communication Principles & Practices Wayne Wolf 1 Communication
73 Digital Communication Brijlal. N. Subrahmanium 1 Communication
74 Modern Digital & Analog Communication B.L.Theraja 1 Communication
75 Radio Engineering Robert F. Couplin 1 Communication
76 Cellular Mobile System Engineering Saleh Faruque 1 Communication
77 Programming with C++ John R Hubbard 3rd 1 Computer & Programming
78 Programming with C++ John R Hubbard Reprint 2013 1 Computer & Programming
79 Programming with Java(A Primer) E Balgurusamy 4th 1 Computer & Programming
80 The Complete Reference C Herbert Schildt Reprint 2001 1 Computer & Programming
81 C++ Herbert Schildt 3rd 1 Computer & Programming
82 Complex Variables Murray R Spiegel 2nd 1 Computer & Programming
83 Computer Fundamentals Dr.M.Lutfar Rahman 11th 1 Computer & Programming
84 Computer Networks Andrew S. Tanenbaum 5th 1 Computer & Programming
85 Computer Organization and Architecture William Stallings 8th 1 Computer & Programming
86 Computers, Communications, Information Sarah E. Hutchinsom 7th 1 Computer & Programming
87 Introduction to Computers Peter Norton 7th 1 Computer & Programming
88 Java Paul Deitel 10th 1 Computer & Programming
89 Java the Complete Reference (Comprehensive Coverage of the Java Language) Herbert Schildt 9th 1 Computer & Programming
90 Object Oriented Programming in C++ Robert Lafore 4th 1 Computer & Programming
91 Object Oriented Programming With C++ E Balgurusamy 6th 1 Computer & Programming
92 Teach Yourself C Herbert Schildt 2017-18 1 Computer & Programming
93 Computer Fundamentals Pradeep K.Sinha 1 Computer & Programming
94 Programming in ANSI E.Balagurusamy 1 Computer & Programming
95 Teach Yourself  C Herbert Schildt 1 Computer & Programming
96 Introduction to Artifical Intelligence and Expert Systems Dan W Patterson Priting 13th 1 AI
97 Artificial Intelligence Stuart Russell 3rd 1 AI
98 Matlab and its applicaions in Engineering(Version 7.5 R2007b) Raj Kumar Bansal 13th 1 Simulation
99 Simulation Modeling and Analysis Averill M Law 4th 1 Simulation
100 Simulation Modeling and Analysis Averill M.Law 3rd 1 Simulation
101 Digital Logic and computer Design M. Morris Mano 2017 1 DLD
102 Digital Logic and computer Design M. Morris Mano 2013 1 DLD
103 Digital Fundamentals Thomas L. Floyd 2008-10 1 DLD
104 Digital Fundamentals Thomas L. Floyd 11th 1 DLD
105 Digital Logic Design Albart Malvano 1 DLD
106 A Textbook of Engineering Drawing(Geometrical Drawing) R. K. Dhawan 2nd 1 Drawing
107 Technical Drawing Frederick E. Giesecke 7th 1 Drawing
108 Electrical Wiring Estimating & Costing S. L. Uppal 6th 1 Electrical Wiring
109 Electrical Wiring Estimating & Costing S L Uppall 2015-16 1 Electrical Wiring
110 Electrical wiring estimating & Costing  S.L.Uppal 1 Electrical Wiring
111 Mechanical Engineerimg R.S Khurmi 7th 1 Mechanical
112 Heat Thermodynamics Brij Lal 2016-17 1 Mechanical
113 Refridgeration and Airconditoning P L Ballaney 13rd 1 Mechanical
114 Refridgeration and Airconditoning Wilbert F Stoechker 2nd 1 Mechanical
115 Hydraulics Fluid Machines  and Hydraulic Machine R.S Khurmi 1 Mechanical
116 Analytic Mechanics Virgil Moring Faires 1 Mechanical
117 Concepts of Modern Physics Arthur Beiser 2013-14 1 Physics
118 Fundamentals of Physics Jearl Walker 10th 1 Physics
119 Mathematical Physics B S Rajput 13rd 1 Physics
120 Modern Physics B.L Theraja 6th 1 Physics
121 Practical Physics Dr.Giasuddin Ahmad 4th 1 Physics
122 A Textbook of Optics Dr. N. Subrahmanyam 25th 1 Physics
123 Properties of Matter Brij Lal 6th 1 Properties of Materials
124 Modern Physics Properties of Matter G.K.Mithal 1 Properties of Materials
125 Electrical Engineering Materials B.L.Theraja 1 Properties of Materials
126 Properties of Matter 1 Properties of Materials
127 Solid State Physics 1 Properties of Materials
128 Fundamentals of Solid State Physics B S Saxena 16th 1 Properties of Materials
129 Solid State Electronic Device BEN.G. Streetman 6th 1 Properties of Materials
130 Solid State Electronic Devices John G.Proakis 1 Properties of Materials
131 Concepts of Electricity and Magnetism A.K.Rafiqullah 2nd 1 Electromagnetics Fields & Wave
132 Elecricity and Magnetism Dr. K. K. Tewari 2014-15 1 Electromagnetics Fields & Wave
133 Electrodynamics(Electricity & Magnetism) Dr. S. I. Gupta 22nd 1 Electromagnetics Fields & Wave
134 Elements of Electromagnetics Matthew N.O. Sadiku New 2017-18 1 Electromagnetics Fields & Wave
135 Antennas and Wave Propagation John D Kraus 4th 1 Electromagnetics Fields & Wave
136 Antennas For All Applications John D Kraus 3rd 1 Electromagnetics Fields & Wave
137 Microwave Devices and Circuits Samuel Y.Liao 3rd 1 Electromagnetics Fields & Wave
138 Microwave Engineering David M. Pozar 3rd 1 Electromagnetics Fields & Wave
139 Field and Wave Electromagnetives David K. Cheng 1 Electromagnetics Fields & Wave
140 Element of Electromagnetic 1 Electromagnetics Fields & Wave
141 Microwave Engineering Morris Mano 1 Electromagnetics Fields & Wave
142 Digital Signal Processing Alan V. Oppenheim 2002 1 Signals Systems & DSP
143 Digital Signal Processing using Matlab Vinay K.Ingle 2001 1 Signals Systems & DSP
144 Continous and Discrete Signal and Systems Samir S. Soliman 2nd 1 Signals Systems & DSP
145 Digital Image Using Matlab Processing Rafael C Gonzlez 2nd 1 Signals Systems & DSP
146 Discrete -Time Signal Processing Alan V. Oppenheim 2nd 1 Signals Systems & DSP
147 Signals and Systems Simon Haykin 2nd 1 Signals Systems & DSP
148 Signals and Systems S Poornachandra 3rd 1 Signals Systems & DSP
149 Signal & Linear System Robert F. Couplin 1 Signals Systems & DSP
150 Digital Signal Processing Principles Algorithms &Application (Third Edition) G.K.Mithal 1 Signals Systems & DSP
151 Pulse and digital switching waveforms 1 Signals Systems & DSP
152 Control Systems Engineering Norman S. Nise 6th 1 Control System
153 Control Systems Engineering Norman S. Nise 5th 1 Control System
154 Modern Control Engineering Katsuhiko Ogata 5th 1 Control System
155 Modern Control Engineering Katsuhiko Ogata 5th 1 Control System
156 Control System Engineering 1 Control System
157 A course in Electrical & Electronic Measurements & Instrumentation A. K. Sawhney 2014-15 1 Measurements & Instrumentation
158 Measurement & Instrumentation 1 Measurements & Instrumentation
159 Power Electronics (Circuits, Devices and Appllications) Muhammad H Rashid 3rd 1 Power Electronics
160 Industrial and Power Electronics G K Mithal 19th 1 Power Electronics
161 Power Electronics 1 Power Electronics
162 Industrial Power Electronics R.S.Khandpur 1 Power Electronics
163 Electrical Power Systems Ashfaq Husain 5th 1 Power Systems
164 Elements of Power System Analysis William D.Stevenson,Jr 4th 1 Power Systems
165 Principles of Power System V.K. Mehta 2017-18 1 Power Systems
166 Principles of Power System V. K. Mehta R. 4th 1 Power Systems
167 Principal of power system Albart Malvano 1 Power Systems
168 A Text Book of Electrical Technology in S.I. Units(VLM-III) Transmission, Distribution and Utilization B. L. Theraja 23rd 1 Power Systems
169 A Text Book of Electrical Technology in S.I. Units(VLM-III) Transmission, Distribution and Utilization B. L. Theraja Reprint 2012 1 Power Systems
170 Power Station Engineering and Economy Bernhardt G A Skrotzki 2004 1 Power Systems
171 Power Station Engineering and Economy Bernhartd G.A.Skrotzki 2nd 1 Power Systems
172 Power System stability and Control Prabha Kundur Reprint 2012 1 Power Systems
173 Power Plant Engineering G.R.Nagpal 15th 1 Power Systems
174 Power Plant Engineering B.L.Theraja 1 Power Systems
175 Power Plant Engineering B.L.Theraja 1 Power Systems
176 Microprocceeors and Interfacing Douglas V Hall R 2nd 1 Microprocessor
177 Microprocessor and Micro computer-Based System Design Dr. M. Raffiquzzaman 2nd 1 Microprocessor
178 The Intel Microprocessors Barry B. Brey 8th 1 Microprocessor
179 Intel Micro Processor 1 Microprocessor
180 Basic VLSI Design Douglasa.Pucknell 3rd 1 VLSI
181 Cmos VLSI Design Neil H. Weste 4th 1 VLSI
182 Design of Analog CMOS Integrated Circuits Behzad Razavi Reprint 2006 1 VLSI
183 Modern VLSI Design Wayne Wolf 4th 1 VLSI
184 VLSI Technology S M SZE 2nd 1 VLSI
185 Modern VLSI Design(Third Edition) 3rd 1 VLSI
186 Handbook of Biomedical Instrumentation R S Khandpur 2nd 1 Biomedical
187 Introduction to Biomedical Equipment Technology Joseph J.Carr 4th 1 Biomedical
188 Biomedical Instrumentation 1 Biomedical
189 Renewable Energy Technologies Chetan Singh Solanki 2009 2 Renewable Energy
190 Principles of Economics N. Gregory Mankiw 7th 1 General
191 Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary Margaret Deuter 9th 1 Dictionary
192 The Iland Homer Peter Jones,D.C.H.Rieu 1 Literature/Novel
193 A Study Guide to Classical Literature FBC Experienced Professors 1 Literature/Novel
194 Johan Osborne Look Back in Anger Dr.s.Sen 1 Literature/Novel

Research & Publications

Southern University Bangladesh

Faculty of Science & Engineering

Departments of  ECE


Publications of Hrishi Rakshit, Assistant Professor & Head, Dept. of ECE
Referred Journal Articles
1.      Hrishi Rakshit & Muhammad Ahsan Ullah, “A New Efficient Approach for Designing FIR Low-pass Filter and Its Application on ECG Signal for Removal of AWGN Noise”, IAENG International Journal of Computer Science, vol. 43 no2 May 2016.

2.      Hrishi Rakshit & Muhammad Ahsan Ullah, “FIR Filter Design Using An Adjustable Novel Window and Its Applications”, International Journal of Engineering & Technology (IJET), ISSN:0975-4024, Vol 7, No 4 and pp 1151-1162

3.      HrishiRakshit, Abrar Hussian, Toufiq Ahmed, and AfrozaAkther, “A Survey on Energy Demand and Solar Photovoltaic Electricity”, International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research (IJSER ) Volume 4, Issue 6, ISSN: 2229-5518.

Conference Proceedings and Abstract
1.      Mitun Shil, Hrishi Rakshit, Hadaate Ullah, “FIR Filter Design Using An Adjustable Window Function & Justification With Different Windows”, International Conference on Industrial Electronics and Computer Science 2017.

 2.      Mitun Shil, Hrishi Rakshit,Hadaate Ullah, “An Adjustable Window Function To Design An FIR Filter”, 2017 IEEE International Conference on Imaging, Vision & Pattern Recognition (icIVPR)

3.      Hrishi Rakshit & Muhammad Ahsan Ullah, “FIR Filter Design Using An Adjustable Novel Window and Its Applications”, International Journal of Engineering & Technology (IJET), ISSN:0975-4024, Vol 7, No 4 and pp 1151-1162

4.      Hrishi Rakshit & Muhammad Ahsan Ullah, “An Efficient Approach for Designing FIR low-pass Filter and Its Application”, International Conference on Electrical Information and Communication Technology (EICT)DOI: 10.1109/CCIE.2015.7399312, pp36-41.

5.      Hrishi Rakshit & Muhammad Ahsan Ullah, “An Adjustable Novel Window Function with its Application to FIR Filter Design”, International Conference on Computer & Information Engineering (ICCIE) DOI: 10.1109/EICT.2015.7391934, pp135-140.

6.      Hrishi Rakshit & Muhammad Ahsan Ullah, “A Comparative Study on Window Functions for Designing Efficient FIR Filter”, International Forum on Strategic Technology (IFOST),

DOI: 10.1109/IFOST.2014.6991079 , pp 91-95, 2014


Fahmida Sharmin Jui 


Peer-reviewed Journals:

  • Hadaate Ullah, Shahin Mahmud, and Fahmida Sharmin Jui, “The effect of deposition rate on the electrical properties of Indium Tin Oxide (ITO) thin films”, TELKOMNIKA Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering, Volume 16, Issue 2; November 2015. ISSN: 2302-4046

Peer-reviewed Conferences:

  • Fahmida Sharmin Jui, Sabrina Alam, Md. Didarul Alam, and Sabuj Chowdhury “A Feasibility Study of Mini Hydroelectric Power Plant at Sahasradhara Waterfall Sitakunda, Bangladesh”, IEEE The 3rd International Conference on Advances in Electrical Engineering, 17-19 December 2015, Independent University, Bangladesh. DOI: 10.1109/ICAEE.2015.750680


Md. Ataur Rahman Khan

  1. Golam Moktader Daiyan, Faisal Bin Al Abid, Md. Ataur Rahman Khan, Ahsan Habib Tareq, “ An Efficient Grid Algorithm for Faster Clustering Using K Medoids Approach”, 978-1-4673-4836-2/12/$31.00 ©2012 IEEE
  1. Golam Moktader Nayeem, Md. Ataur Rahman Khan, M. A. Muttalib, “An Efficient Key Agreement Scheme for

Infrastructure Less Wireless Network (ILWN)” , 978-1-4673-1154-0112/$3l.00 ©2012 IEEE


Publications of Rubel Kanti Das

A: International publications in the peer-reviewed journal:

Sl. Title Author(s) Journal


Paper Id: SA-IECS-PUNE-10027-340

1. Md. Abdullah Al Noman

2. Rubel Kanti Das

3. A.S.M Noman

4. Mitun Shil

International Conference On Industrial Electronics and Computer Science.


(12th February 2017 / Pune, India)


ISSN: 978-93-85832-29-1


B: Domestic publications in peer-reviewed journals during the reporting year: 2017

Sl. Title Author(s) Journal


Paper Id: ICT-14-NCNST’17


Md. Abdullah Al Noman, Md. Faishal Rahaman, Rubel Kanti Das, Hrishi Rakshit 4th National Conference on Natural Science and Technology.

(24-25th March 2017 / Chittagong, Bangladesh)



Paper Id: ICT-06-NCNST’17

Md. Abdullah Al Noman, Md. Faishal Rahaman, Hadaate Ullah, Rubel Kanti Das 4th National Conference on Natural Science and Technology.

(24-25th March 2017 / Chittagong, Bangladesh)




Paper Id: ICT-15-NCNST’17


Md. Abdullah Al Noman, Md. Faishal Rahaman, Md. Liakat Ali, Rubel Kanti Das 4th National Conference on Natural Science and Technology.

(24-25th March 2017 / Chittagong, Bangladesh)

4. A Study on the Optical Properties of Co-evaporated CuInSe2Thin Films for High-Efficiency Inorganic Solar Cell

Paper Id: 2411-9997-IJIST’18

M. A. S. Bhuiyan,

S. Mahmud,

R. Rahaman,

R. K. Das

H. Ullah

International Journal of Integrated Sciences & Technology 3 (2018) 11-15

(CUET, Bangladesh)

Training & Workshop

Southern University Bangladesh

Faculty of Science & Engineering

Departments of  ECE

Training & Workshops
  •  Training Program on “Learning Outcome, Assessment System, Curriculum Design and Self-Assessment” held at Southern University Bangladesh from July 19 to July 21, 2017 under the initiative of Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of Southern University Bangladesh
  • Workshop on “Data management, Self-Assessment Report Writing and Post Self-Assessment Improvement Plan” held at Southern University Bangladesh on March 22, 2017 under the initiative of Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of Southern University Bangladesh
  • Workshop on “Online Teaching, Examination And Evaluation Techniques” held at Southern University Bangladesh on February 10, 2017 under the initiative of Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of Southern University Bangladesh
  • Workshop on “Online Achademic Management” held at Southern University Bangladesh on February 9, 2017 under the initiative of Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of Southern University Bangladesh
  • Workshop on “Research Methods, Tools &Techniques And Scientific Method Of Report Writing” held at Southern University Bangladesh on December 11, 2016 under the initiative of Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of Southern University Bangladesh
  • Workshop on “Good Governance in Higher Education with reference to Office Management & Financial Management” held at Southern University Bangladesh on 28 November, 2016 under the initiative of Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of Southern University Bangladesh.
  • Workshop on “Online Academic Management” held at Southern University Bangladesh on  February 9, 2017 under the initiative of Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of Southern University Bangladesh.
  • Workshop on “Online Teaching, Examination and Evaluation Techniques” ” held at Southern University Bangladesh on February 10, 2017 under the initiative of Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of Southern University Bangladesh.
  • Workshop on “Data Management, Self-Assessment Report Writing and Post Self-Assessment Improvement Plan” held at Southern University Bangladesh on March 22, 2017 under the initiative of Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of Southern University Bangladesh.
  • Workshop on “University Act, Policies, Ordinance and Rules” held at Southern University Bangladesh on September 26, 2017 under the initiative of Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of Southern University Bangladesh.
  • Workshop on “Analyzing Survey Results: Road to Effective self-Assessment report and Improvement plan” held at Southern University Bangladesh on December 7, 2017 under the initiative of Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of Southern University Bangladesh.
  • Workshop on “Outcome-Based Education: Emergence, Benefits, Approaches and Structure” held at Southern University Bangladesh on July 17, 2018 under the initiative of Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of Southern University Bangladesh.

Grading System

Grading System:

Numerical Grade Letter Grade Grade Point
80% and above A+ 4.00
75% to less than 80% A 3.75
70% to less than 75% A- 3.50
65% to less than 70% B+ 3.25
60% to less than 65% B 3.00
55% to less than 60% B- 2.75
50% to less than 55% C+ 2.50
45% to less than 50% C 2.25
40% to less than 45% D 2.00
Less than 40% F 0.00
Repeat R
Credit Granted CR  
Incomplete I  
Satisfactory S  
Unsatisfactory U  
Withdraw W