Good academic standing is determined by measuring the student’s academic performance at University and consists of the following:
1) Satisfactory academic progress- In order to meet the satisfactory academic progress requirement, the student must maintain a cumulative grade point average greater than that which would result in academic dismissal.
2) Program requirement-In order to meet the pursuit of program requirement, the student must pass a minimum number of credit hours each semester and complete all degree requirements within a specified number of semesters.
3) Consideration- Following each semester, the cumulative GPA and number of credits earned by each student are reviewed for complainer with the criteria for good academic standing. Students not receiving financial aid are subject to the same criteria and can be placed on financial aid probation or suspension for future consideration.
4) Probation- A student who fails to meet the above criteria in any semester is placed on financial aid probation. A student placed on financial aid probation may receive financial aid for the next three (3) semesters; student failing to maintain good academic standing can be placed on financial aid probation at Southern University, Bangladesh.
5) Suspension- A student is placed on financial aid suspension if the student fails to pass any credit hours or withdrawing from classes. If a student on financial aid probation does not regain good academic standing by the end of the probationary period. The student is placed on financial aid suspension. Any student who regains good academic standing and then loses it during a subsequent semester is also placed on financial aid suspension. Violation of any rule of Southern University a disqualification for enjoying scholarship/any financial aid.
Important Information Scholarships are subject to change periodically. Each year new scholarships will be offered and some will be discontinued.